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Cross Curricular Competencies & Technology

Here is a link to my group's presentation on Effective Technology Integration with the Cross Curricular Competencies.

Learning about the cross competencies and integrating technology opened my eyes to the different possibilities of getting children to become more creative and tech savvy. As someone who isn't familiar with technology in the classroom, I took this assignment as a learning experience. My group definitely overthought this project, but going through the competencies and the article of integrating technology made me realize how important it is to educate kids on technology and how to use it in a safe and effective way. Because I'm not familiar with tech, I did struggle to find a good example of how to integrate technology in the classroom. I ended up finding out about the Tilt Brush by Google, which is a virtual reality paintbrush that allows you to paint in the 3D world. In my group's powerpoint, I highlight how it can get kids to be more innovative with their studies and in the personal lives. I cannot wait to be able to use advanced technology such as the Tilt Brush to engage kids with my lessons and get their creative juices flowing.

TiltBrush is a new way to look at creating and expressing. Image taken from Wix

Painting is super fun and builds on our artistic skills, but imagine giving ever more freedom to children's imagination

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