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Xploration: Educational Activities with Google Earth

For this specific Xploration, I focused on the grade 5/6 curriculum. All of my activities are meant to be used as a starter activity to assess students' knowledge of the topic, and allows them to discover more about the topic before I teach them. The idea of using Google Earth for the curriculum is that students learn how to use it, and then after doing so, will discover more about the material I will be teaching them.

Science Grade 6 Sky Science: Use Google Earth to see the different planets, learn about their place in the solar system, their size in relation to others, and how they are different in appearance than Earth. This will be done by having students go into Google Earth and in groups be assigned 1 planet to look at. They will have to collect information regarding that planet (such as which planets are next to it, the appearance and shape) and contribute to a class powerpoint that I will use to teach the class about the other planets they didn't do research on.

This touches on these outcomes:

- GLO 6-7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements.

- SLO Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences.

- SLO Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.

Science Grade 6 Trees and Forests: Use Google Earth to locate the different types of trees in a certain place. I will start off by giving students a picture list of the different types of trees you can find around the world. Students will then do this activity by using the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, and list all of the trees they see in that given area. This is a great way for me to assess what students already know. After doing so, we can learn where exactly certain trees grow and if it matches what they found in that location. Students will be able to share their responses with the rest of the class and can make comparisons with other students who had similar trees in a different location. By using the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, students can explore different parts of the world and learn a little bit about the place.

This touches on these outcomes:

- GLO 6-10 Describe characteristics of trees and the interaction of trees with other living things in the local environment.

- SLO Identify general characteristics that distinguish trees from other plants, and characteristics that distinguish deciduous from coniferous trees.

- SLO Identify characteristics of at least four trees found in the local environment. Students should be familiar with at least two deciduous trees and two coniferous trees. Examples should include native species, such as spruce, birch, poplar, and pine and cultivated species, such as elm and crab apple.

Here is a screenshot when I used the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. It happened to take me to Rhine River, where there is a lot of green. After reading about Rhine River, students can zoom in using the 3D button to see the different trees and plants surrounding this place.

Social Studies Grade 5 Geography of Canada: Use Google Earth as an introduction to answer the following questions taken from the SLO 5.1.2:

- SLO 5.1.2 - examine, critically, the physical geography of Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

- What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in Canada?

- How is the geographical region they live in different from other regions of Canada?

- What are the factors that determine climate in the diverse geographical regions of Canada (e.g., latitude, water, mountains)?

This activity will require students to draw. Students can use Google Earth to draw their own detailed map of Canada including rivers or mountains. They can discover the different geographical regions of Canada, and begin to answer what factors determine the climate in a certain region. For example, they can understand that the closer you are to the ocean, the warmer it is. They will have to question why this is so.

These three activities are a great way for students to use technology, specifically Google Earth, to discover more about the world they live in. By having a visual element they can physically manipulate themselves will engage them in the lesson, and they will be able to visualize when learning about the content.

Resources used:

Google Earth

Learn Alberta

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