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Xploration: Educational Apps

App: GoogleDocs

Google docs is a great way to collaborate in the classroom. I believe that group work amongst students is not only good for creating interpersonal relationships, but learning how to work together. Google docs is a document that students can use for group work to share with others, or edit all at the same time. Anything put into Google docs is automatically saved, so that in case something goes wrong (computer dies or crashes), students can just log into their Google account and find it in their Google drive. Students will be able to use Google docs for when I assign group projects, peer editing, or teach units such as story writing. It can become a great way for students to share their notes or create a classroom study guide. With Google docs, students' work can become public to the classroom if they so choose to do, and can create a more integrated community.

Image taken from Wix

The great thing about GoogleDocs is that anyone can access it anywhere, as long as you have technology such as a laptop or a computer handy!

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