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Philosophy of Educational Technology

Although I am considered a millennial, I find that I lack the skills in technology that most people my age are conceived to have. I have never lived without the internet, which continues to be a serious advancement in the world. I remember growing up with technology, such as a car and a house phone, but my use for technology was limited. I was allowed to play on the computer or play video games, and whenever there were some complications with the game or the software, my father or my brother would fix it for me. I was exposed, but never fully taught to navigate and figure out just how some of our technological devices worked. In classrooms, we would have TV’s and VCR’s, radios and CD players. The technology used was of low quality and were often slow, thus disrupting the lesson and/or wasting class time.

Because of my little experience with technology, I believe that I have had the mentality that technology isn’t all that good. Of course, as time goes on, I keep discovering just how amazing it can be.

One of the many ways technology can enhance learning and make the curriculum more engaging and memorable for students is through virtual reality

I believe that technology is meant to aid and improve people’s lives, and society as a whole. I believe that it can entertain, connect, and enrich our world. However, as good as it can be, it cannot go without consequence. Thinking on some things that have improved our lives, in some ways, they have ruined it as well. Inventions such as the printer was revolutionary, but put many people out of jobs. People often use technology as a substitute for human connection. For example, research and experiments on technology raising children is happening around the world. With the use of technology, we are starting to lose social skills, have a decline in health (both mentally and physically), as well as become too dependent on it. It can make people more materialistic and creates more physical waste in the world. However, when used in a proper, safe manner, technology can do wonders for the world.

Schools are starting to really embrace technology. When the Smartboard was first introduced, I remember no one but the teachers having the power to touch and use it. It was mainly used as just another projector, and not in the interactive way it was intended to be used. Now, when I volunteer in schools I see such interactive games and lessons that engage the children in using it. I see these children learning and having fun, and I think that technology has the ability to enrich students’ lives not only socially, but academically as well. Students are now able to connect with almost anyone in almost anywhere in the world and share and learn ideas, opinions, thoughts, and works on the internet. Students are developing new skills everyday. They are thinking differently than previous generations, are becoming more creative and innovative with the help of technology. They are finding different ways to express themselves, whether it be vlogging or writing to a pen pal. Although technology can be dangerous, with cautions such as internet safety and a greater instance of plagiarism, it is impactful. I hope to learn more about how to integrate technology into my classroom. I hope to teach my future students how to deal and learn about technology in a safe yet enthusiastic manner. We can discover new ways to do things in the classroom such as lessons or classroom management. We can improve our mind and skills in technology, simply by getting accustomed to it but also using websites such as duolingo or mathletics. We can use the knowledge we have gained from the help and use of technology and create even better technology for the classroom. With technology, we can become connected, become a global community.

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